dedicated to the assessment of
A research team (PhDs in Biology) specialized in elucidating endocrine disruption mechanisms :
- Estrogens
- Androgens
- Thyroid hormones
- Steroidogenesis
Alternative methods to replace the use of laboratory animals:
- Compliant with cosmetic regulation
- Since 2013 European Cosmetic Regulation (n°1223/2009) forbids the use of laboratory animals for testing.
- In line with UK, Suisse and European regulation regarding the replacement of laboratory animals
Over the last 15 years hundreds of samples have been tested
Our testing technology is adapted to a wide range of products including:
- Ingredients
- Mixtures
- Manufactured products
- Packaging
- Water samples
International validation
International validation
Exclusive patent from CNRS and MNHN
- Listed in OECD Guidance Document 150
- OECD validation
- Museum of Natural History Recommended
- Tests Recommended to be used in ECHA and ESFA Guidance Document
Our aim is to help you with any topic related with endocrine disruption
To address all your needs we have gathered our expertise on endocrine disruptors within a wide network of partners: challenges analysis, strategy evaluation, product portofolio safety.
For 14 years
Laboratoire Watchfrog
helps you to address endocrine disruptors issues.
Our mission is to provide you with data which contributes towards the evaluation of the security of your chemicals, products, packaging and water samples.
In addition to our tests we can help you building a tailor-made evaluation strategy according to your needs and taking into account your specific context, providing you with the most relevant methodology and protocols.
Tests are performed on whole endocrine systems.
Tests are compatible with a wide range of
07 july 2022
Publication of the RADAR Test Guideline No. 251 (androgenic test)
22 march 2022
Meet us at In Cosmetics!
23 september 2021
Find us at Cosmetic 360!
Meet Laboratoire Watchfrog and partners SenzaGen, PKDERM, GenEvolution & CEHTRA at Cosmetic 360 to find out about our latest innovations for safety and efficacy of cosmetics and ingredients!
July 2019
Publishing of Test No. 248: Xenopus Eleutheroembryonic Thyroid Assay (XETA)
19th April 2018
Publishing of new regulation UE 2018/605 setting out scientific criteria for the determination of endocrine disrupting properties
13 juin 2019
Save the date
2 Octobre 2018 à Paris. Prochaine matinale en partenariat avec Socotec et CitoxLab
We can help you with all topics relating to endocrine disruption thanks to our network of partners
Regulatory surveillance
Information - Training - Regulatory surveillance
- Legal and regulatory framework
- Staff awareness
- General/tailor-made training
- General/targeted monitoring
Premilinary evaluation
Data mining

Premilinary evaluation - Data mining
- Preliminary evaluation (context and implications)
- Analysis of available data
- Literature search
- Analysis of the quality of existing data
- Evaluation of data gaps
- Implementation of screening/testing strategy
Interpretation of results

Testing - Interpretation of results
- Level 1 : OECD evaluation (Biblio, in silico…)
- Level 2 : OECD testing in vitro
- Level 3, 4 & 5 : OECD testing in vivo
- Interpretation of results (Hazard assessment)
- Mechanism study
Risk assessment based on use by the target population

Risk assessment based on use by the target population
- Exposure evaluation
- Analysis of health and safety risks of products
- Preparation of regulatory dossier
- Analysis of in-house steps taken
Communication plan
Regulatory compliance
Action plan
Product strategy review

Communication plan - Regulatory compliance - Action plan - Product strategy review
- Analysis of alerts
- Ranking of opportunities and risks
- Review of product strategy
- Substitution help
- In-house and external communication plan
- Language/ Position paper /Crisis management
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